Super Bowl LV Betting Strategy – Smart Wagers on Buccaneers vs. Chiefs

Super Bowl LV is just around the corner, and NFL betting odds continue to move each day. It is a common occurrence for the National Football League’s main event. Thus, we provide you with a Super Bowl LV betting strategy to help you make smarter wagers before the big game.

As of this writing, the Buccaneers vs. Chiefs spread dropped from 3.5 to 3. Big wagers have also driven the Super Bowl total from 57.5 to 56.

With the betting market settling down, the question is, how are you going to bet on the Bucs vs. Chiefs matchup. Do you need to wait for future line movement? Or is it the perfect time to wager on the game? Let’s find out.

Super Bowl LV Betting Strategy

Super Bowl LV Betting Strategy – Smart Wagers on Buccaneers vs. ChiefsIf you are a Kansas City Chiefs fan, the drop of the spread from -3.5 to -3 makes the favorites more attractive to football betting fans. Remember that almost 15 percent of NFL games finished within three points since 2003. Thus, you’ll see the importance of the half-point.

Some sports betting analysts have the spread at -2.3. Thus, we suggest that you wait for a day or two. Although the spread might not make another half-point adjustment, we are confident that it would not go back to -3.5 any time soon.

If you are a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan, you should consider betting on the team at +3. It would provide great value even if the line moves before Super Bowl Sunday. Also, not all +3 spreads are created equal. Look for a sportsbook with the best vig related to the spread.

When it comes to Over/Under, 56 is a dead number. Only 1.2 percent of games finished at 56 points from 2015 to the end of last season. At present, most wagers are on Under. We suggest waiting for the total to go down to 55 if you want to wager on Over.

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