Carson Nugget Casino Installs A New Casino Floor Management System

In Nevada, Carson Nugget Casino recently installs and upgrades into a new casino floor management system. The new system is from TableTrac, branded a CasinoTrac. It is also a modern, state of the art platform that offers value for money.

Aside from that, CasinoTrac provides a comprehensive insight into the happenings on the casino floor. It then includes revenue for its loyalty programs.

What to Expect from the New Casino Floor Management System?

Carson Nugget Casino Installs A New Casino Floor Management SystemThe casino venue’s old system, as per most casino reviews, it somewhat outdated. Being one of the most famous casinos in Nevada, Carson Nugget replaced its casino floor management system with the modern, CasinoTrac. It will assist with its daily business operations, mainly on table games, Keno, and slot machines.

Chad Hoehne of TableTrac commented on the partnership of their firm. It is too an honor being a small part of the legendary casino by keeping vibrant and modern. It is through its latest in player club systems technology. Also thankful for the trust in providing the gaming systems serving Nevada.

About Cason Nugget Casino Hotel

Carson Nugget is often on casino directory lists that boasts an impressive gaming floor with almost thirty-thousand square feet. The casino hotel is in Carson City, Nevada as well is successfully implementing a series of new measures. It is still relating to the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Besides social distancing on all games, some of the measures include sanitization and reduced capacity on the venue. Now with the new CasinoTrac system, the firm is pleased and both are eager to expand its relationship with this new partnership.

The casino hotel becomes a go-to historic destination for visitors traveling to Nevada. Carson Nugget is moreover serving as the oldest operating casino in the region.

What is CasinoTrac?

CasinoTrac is a management system from Table Trac Inc. that delivers comprehensive insights to businesses. It ranges from accounting and revenue up to Players Club and as well as promotions. As a result, it is now processing millions of transactions daily.


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